Like i promised to furnish you with information on the basic tips to facing an INTERVIEW, i strive to making this a reality and if you can adhere to this piece of infornation, you are sure bet of grabing that job. What does it take you to get this? absolutely nothing.

This INTERVIEW TIPS was given to me by a good friend and i thought it wise sharing it with you for free. Like every other ebook, you are either ask to download, register or purchase before it can be given to you.

However, we have decided to offer this for a zore fee to every interested individual. It cost you nothing. Only visit this site @
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* Before you go for any interview, always learn to find about the company.
* Do not take a chance to make any guesses about the company.
* Dress smartly. Do not wear brightly colored clothes for an interview. Do not wear any big prints or colored flowers and leaves on your attire.
* Gentlemen please check that the socks you wear blend with the trouser and are in contrast to the color of your trouser.
* Do not wear any thick chains or big pendants. Do not wear any raashi rings, chunky bracelets, earrings etc…
* Shoes to be well polished, in good condition and should co-ordinate with your clothes.
* Dress formally; wear neatly ironed clothes for an interview.


Look poised, comfortable, neatly dressed.
Talk softly yet clearly.
Be courteous, smile, be helpful, take initiative, and maintain eye contact,
pay attention.
Listen and understand, apologize, Take corrective measures, follow-up.
No vulgar jokes and do not make any racist remarks.
No slang's like 'ya', 'guy', 'male', 'female' etc…
Listen first, understand and then reply.
Look at the person while you speak.
If you do not know something, admit it, don't make guesses.

Points to Remember

* When you enter the room DO NOT look down. Look at the people sitting to interview you.
* Keep in mind and wish accordingly

(1 lady / 1man… Good Morning ma'am / sir)
(2men / 1lady….Good Morning gentlemen/ ma'am)
(2men / 2ladies…Good Morning ladies and gentlemen)
(More than above count… Good Morning everybody)

* If the interview panel introduce themselves say "It is a pleasure meeting all of You"
* After you have been questioned you can say "It was a pleasure talking to you; have a nice day"
* When you are given a topic for group discussion first say "Good morning/afternoon/evening", mention your name and then start.
* Always update yourself with the latest happenings and events around the world. Read the newspaper of the particular day on which you have your interview.
* When asked a question never lie about the same or make wild guesses.

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