Blogger Buzz: Blogger Following for All

Blogger Buzz: Blogger Following for All


Do you wish to see yourself wedded on the alter in a church , which is the dream and aspiration of every true christian ? Do you hope to make a happy home and see your marriage last for ever as one indivisible couple? If you awnser is "YES", then thinks twice before saying "yes"to to that your partner.
While in this process, give yourself a quiet moment to reflect over what you are about to go into. Remember, the saying; "All That Glitters Are Not Gold",ask yourself "why am i in this relationship ?, am i in it because i want to get married at all cost--meaning( mortgaging your life) ?. Do i really love this person i want to spend my whole life with and if i do, what kind of love do i have for him/her? Would i be ready to cope even in time of difficulties ? Is it because his/her pocket is rich enough to carter for my needs? Is wealth the centre of the whole game?, Ask yourself what was that thing that makes you love your partner, or was it he/she is hansome/beautiful,tall, slim fit,mode of dressing, movement,the way the person speaks, active in the bed, physical appearance,etc.? Just find out, there must be reason thy you love that your partner and holds firm to that , and your marriage will last for live or on the contrary, everything would be history.
Just be careful and know what you really need from a man/woman before making a choice and do all you can to see your marriage or relationship succeed.
DON`T choose a partner based solely on attraction. Attraction is important yes, but it can also be dangerous. when we feel a strong sense for someone, it can cause us to override our logic and ignor our instincts, leading us to overlook a potential partner`s deadly fault that could spell doom down the road. If you ever found yourself in a relationship that is dragging down,this is propbably why. Remember,"All That Glitters Are Not Gold"
Don`t choose to be with a partner out of desperation, fear of loneliness or because you are in need. If a person is looking for someone to take care of him/her, it sometimes leaves a negative effect on what that person will think of you. Remember, THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU JUMP IN. Thank you.

A kind Word '' HI ''

A kind word they say makes the heart melts
like an ice. However, this is what many has
failed to understand or apply in their relationship.
Many homes or marrages has broken down because
both parties failed to apply this simple antidote,
Friends and lovers are not left out in this drama and
so many could still be victim.
But i want you to understand that, it takes little to keep
going even in a slightest provocation.
Remember, it is said that "A little music can make one dance, A
little hug can make one happy, A littlelittle kindness can save a
soul, So a little ''HI'' can put a smile on ones face.
Say a ''hi'' to that your partner today , you would be amazed how he/she
will respond. And i bet you, your relationship is restored forever.

To My Sweetheart

I cherish everything about you because,
in you, it`s vision and dreams fulfilled as children
of my soul, the blueprints of my ultimate achievements,
on which i can proudlyboast of.
Have a blissful day. I love you.